Craigslist is garbage now, and unfourtunatly, FB is heading the same way......

Over the past four months, I've been purging off stuff, selling almost exclusively on FB Marketplace and thru various local FB groups.

My ad shows the town I'm in a MINIMUM of three times. ..........................."where are you?"

My ad always stated 'door pickup only'. ....................................................."can you ship?", "how much to ship?" (C'mon now, am I going to ship a commercial-grade METAL desk that I'm selling for $25? )

My ad has multiple CLEAR pictures showing the item ................................."what color is it"? "is it brand new?" (obviously used) "what does this look like?"

shake_head catfight

Sorry, got lost there for a moment.........

With Craigslist, I NEVER put my number in the ad. I use their hidden email system for them to contact me, so I can weed out the serious responders from the spammers. THEN, I'll share my number if the person is serious.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥