Originally Posted by 318 Stroker
Originally Posted by A12
This is a kind of down-home YouTube video but it seemed to work. Picked up some yesterday and will let you know as soon as I see any result or conclusion good or bad.

Apparently there is a bumper crop of ants this year. The Terro product in the video you posted was recommended to me and so far it works amazingly well. Takes about 24 hours for results.
we have lived in this home 30 years now. We live right in the middle of farmer fields up intel 5 years ago we never had an ant problem. now I swear we live on top of an ant farm?? and I'm coming to see that most of not all of the neighbors have ant problems. my wife has started using this liquid bait 5 years ago. I don't believe it makes any difference whatsoever!!!!!! matter of fact all I notice is more ants !!! and they are never gone !! I don't care if the stuff is out over a month. I finely started just spraying the hundreds / thousands of them and cleaning it up on the spot !!! my wife argues not to (you know why) but after 3 months of them literally crawling up your legs {they love the bathroom and all around the toilet) I'm done with this junk!!! I have just started putting the Terro Multi pur. outdoor all around the foundation. Fingers crossed !! but not holding my breath!!!