Originally Posted by JERICOGTX
Originally Posted by BTBelvedere
Originally Posted by HEMI472
where is the cheapest place to buy seat belt Harness 5-Point Design ? what you all using ? no cam locks thanks
[i][/i]I'll never have cam locks again. Back in 94, I made an uneventful pass, turned off the track, and started taking stuff off as I headed for the ET shack. The seat belts wouldn't release. The knob just turned. I started to panic, but just drove back to the trailer where I was sure there would be someone to help me. There was no one there and things started to get real. I was able to loosen the shoulder straps enough to get those off, but i couldn't get free of the lap and crotch belts. I was about to start screaming for help, but my group came wandering up with hot dogs and drinks. Long story short, there was a little allen headed bolt that held it all together under the sticker on the knob. It had come loose. After that, I always had a pocket knife in my jacket. It's still in there today.

What brand were they? I've had Stroud Cam Locks for a while now, with no issues. I just send mine back to Stroud to have them rewebbed, and tagged.
They were M&R. I think they're out of business now. They worked just fine (except that one episode) and were easy to use. They were not inexpensive either, as I recall.. Being a cheap skate, I used them until they expired. I made damn sure that little bolt was tight eveytime I buckled up.