Figured I’d post this here since the move would also be decided around race tracks in the states of interest.

More discussion with the wife tonight about moving. 3 of 4 kids graduated college and on their own doing very well. Our youngest (daughter) just graduated high school and is on her way to college next month. 1 in GA, 1 in NC, and 2 in AZ. We have been talking about this for the past few years and inside of the next 20 months it can happen. Will most likely keep our home here. We are seriously considering Minnesota, S. Dakota, S. Carolina, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania and (never thought it would be on the list) back to my roots in Ohio area. Looking for nice areas, some acres and definitely around race tracks. Prefer to be 45-min to 1-hour outside of any major city area. Top-2 are Minnesota and S. Carolina.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand"

- A. Einstein