I took a bungee cord to the eye two years ago. Bam, hit the ground and opened it, total blackness, felt it and it was still there and round. Cuts on my face, went to emergency room. Total blackness for 5-6 hours. Was making mental plans on how to adjust to it. Then over a span of couple of hours I could see colors, then shapes. Then over days of sitting upright and keeping the blood pressure down, I could see very blurry faces on TV. Enough so depth perception was going to be ok. After two weeks I have 20/25 in that eye. Very lucky, the pupil is fixed due to damage so sunglasses are a must and will probably had cataract in that eye later due to the trauma, but that can be fixed with surgery if it becomes to much of an issue. When it happened I thought “well that’s that” don’t give up on it,Takes a bit sometimes.

best of 11.24 at 119 mph 1.60 60’. 68 340 S Barracuda Fastback F.A.S.T [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2mnnnnt.jpg[/IMG]