Originally Posted by 68SportFury
You and me both, Ed. I've been going to this show since 1994 (only missed three years) and it's really shrunk over the last several years.

I blame the weather, honestly. I think this year is the first time in ages that there hasn't been a threat of thunderstorms on the day of the show.

I'd love to see it as big as it was in the '90s and '00s.

I first went in '87 or '88 (I think it was '88) which is when it was still at the mall. It was my first Mopar show ever. My dad went with me and some of the "older" local Mopar guys from the Carlisle area let me follow them down. I don't think they really wanted a kid (I was about 17) tagging along and I don't blame them. But we are all friends to this day. I was just planning to attend as a spectator but my dad insisted I show my Dart. I didn't have the money so Dad paid my entry fee. Dad wasn't a car guy but he knew my passion for Mopars. We had a great time! People were looking at my Dart, taking pictures and it even got a few votes. I didn't get a trophy but people seemed to like my Dart and that was a WIN in my book. I have never cared about car show trophies. Dad even bought me an event shirt and I still have it!!

We had 12 cars in our caravan yesterday which sadly was about 10% of the show field. I was reg number 80 something and I would guess they had around 100 cars total. It was still a GREAT event with lots of GREAT people and cars!! I will support this show until I'm the only one showing up, sitting in the field by myself.

Weather seems to always be against this show. Yesterday was no different. The forecast went from PERFECT, to a chance of rain later in the day. The reality was a light sprinkle at our 3rd meetup location, cloudy skies all day, a few drips here and there in the afternoon then finally it rained (I was on my way home by the time the rain hit).

I know from experience that you can't do anything about the weather and a date change isn't as easy as it sounds (the track has their event schedule, there are other shows to consider, staff schedules, and so on). I would love to see this show get back to the 500+ cars that I remember (maybe my memory isn't so good, maybe is was 300ish). In reality, the weather wasn't bad at all for a car show. We just need MORE CARS to actually show up!!!!

Ed B