Originally Posted by Sniper
Does the window move smoothly and easily in the track? If not that's probably what's taking out that motor.
That's what is so confusing. It moves smoothly and normally the first approximately 10 up and downs and suddenly will not move again. No jumping around just completely stops working but I can still hear motor. Each time gear is completely eaten up (three times now). The first time I thought the gear had sat on my shelf so long (10-12 years) that it probably had gotten weak. Second time I just didn't know what so I replaced it again. The only thing I can come up with now is that big harness got in the way and stopped the window from moving and therefore ate gears, so I'm going to install new gear one more time but leave door panel loose and run the window up and down several times and see what happens. I dread drilling out rivets etc. if the regulator is bad but it doesn't seem to be that.

Facts are stubborn things.