9.5 grams of either Quercetin or Fisetin is safe to take over a day, then for 5 days in a row.

Probably everyone reading this has already consumed 9.5 grams of Quercetin over a longer time period.

The US government has a label GRAS - Generally Regarded As Safe.

I do not know of a flavanol yet discovered that is not GRAS,
but there are undoubtably yet undiscovered flavanols.

People vary,
especially in allergies,
and someone, somewhere, is probably allergic to a known or unknown flavanol.

Curcumin is in a yellow spice used for thousands of years in India and China to both flavor food and dye cloth.

Cucurmin is the main active chemical in Tumeric,
which is a dried and ground up plant root.
Mustard is yellow colored because of Curcumin.
“Curry Powder” is Tumeric, and contains Curcumin.

Curcumin is a flavanol too.

Cucurmin is the flavanol that is unique in that at the lowest concentration yet discovered
it starts killing off some types of senescent cells,
so maybe those ancient Indian and Chinese with their curry powder habit discovered something?

Quercetin or Fisetin at higher concentrations kills off senescent cells
much faster than Curcumin.

Is there something that causes senescent to “become unstuck” and die off like most “normal” cells do,
that is poisonous at some dose?

Dasatinib is an FDA approved anti-cancer oral drug that is still covered by a USA Patent.

If you take too large a dose of Dasatinib it will kill a human.

$500 is the cost of one pill of Dasatinib.

If you go under the care of a MD
and check into a hospital under his direction for 7 days of care ($15,000 to $30,000 )
and take 2 Dasatinib pills per day for 5 days ( another $5000)
this can also get a certain type of senescent cell to become unstuck and die off.