Originally Posted by lilcuda
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by GomangoCuda
You do realize that XP came out 22 years ago? Time for a newer computer. They are cheaper now.

Newer versions of Windows sux. They changed the UI and it was not an improvement.

My work computer is W10, I hate it.

My personal laptop is W7, garage laptop is XP.

It takes getting used to, but actually W10 is really good once you get used to it. It actually takes less energy to learn it than it does to resist it.

I do not need an OS that makes me relearn how to use it. Been using Windows since the 90's and I am accustomed to that UI. I do not want the crap they have as a UI now. I do not want it to try to guess where I want to save a file it never picks the right spot and it is one more PITA step to deal with doing my job.

It's like all the office updates that appear to just move around where the functions are located, just to piss you off.

Let's rename functions because we can and it'll piss off the customers. Then some IT jerk starts talking gibberish to "explain" to you how to sort out whatever the latest CF Microsoft has foisted off on us.