FYI Magnum Force Racing is under construction of a new Facility after moving from Campbell, CA to Nevada. They have been filling orders when available, but items like WIlwood rotors, dropped spindles and US certified steel and chromoly tubing were delayed due to pandemic and shipping delays. Even the new shop construction is delayed for completion due to a personnel shortage and materials costs in the area. If anyone needs assistance, please feel free to PM me and I can reach out to the owner and the shop staff for any inquires. I have been to their temporary facility this last November and are at a slow pace due to personnel shortage. Most items are build as ordered, so it could be weeks til they get to building a set-up for someone. Also, some of the high-end/popular muscle car shops have them shipping out regularly, so a quicky order from someone won't be processed in a timely order. One of their main problems is that Wilwood brakes has their rotors shipped from over sea and has been in constant delay with filling these orders. Magnum Force is the highest seller of Mopar only Wilwood kits out there, so they run out of stock faster than some of the smaller shops that don't have as high of a volume. I am considering using Dr Diff brake on my Magnum Force kits because of the delays. In fact I keep forgetting to call them to help with stuff like update and such. Will update when something comes up. I just spoke to Jen a few minutes ago, so I'm not sure when you spoke to her. They are bombarded with calls constantly so you probably got missed. Once again, if someone has questions, please pm me if you have an inquiry.

Last edited by migsBIG; 04/21/23 02:30 PM.