Originally Posted by IMGTX
It appears the side impact airbags were already deployed while it was in the air.

I have to wonder did the impact trigger it or did the car figure out it was off the ground and expected a rollover?

I don't work on the airbag systems but I didn't expect them sides to deploy from what was effectively a front end collision when they deployed.

I can say some of the new stuff is pretty tuff, easy to total, but the structure is tough. I broke 1/4" drill bits installing a left hand gas pedal in a Subaru Just drilling trough the floor pan. Not the structure just the approx 18 gauge (less than 1/16") pan. Crazy hard and took forever to drill.

All these things are equipped with lateral sensors, yaw sensors as well as impact sensors. ALL the modules in that car were well aware it was off it's intended path(drastically) and therefor deployed the bags....as it should!