One real good item is acetone but it's highly costic to the human environment/body/parts...eats flesh, lung capillaries and attacks the organs. If you have a decent vat you can place them in and have a super ventilation system or work outside making sure you have an acid apron, gloves, respirator, face mask and saftey glasses, etc WILL strip paint better than an industrical strength paint remover and like the cocain song "they say it'll kill you but they don't say when"! That and methyl ethyl ketone...

I forgot to mention, JASCO used to have an 'industrial strength' but as-mentioned it's strength might have deminished (considerably?) and there's no telling what/how it might effect the polished surface of valve covers?!

Last edited by blue_stocker; 03/29/23 11:25 PM.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

Freedom must be repurchased by every new generation
General Daniel Jones, WW2 Tuskegee Airmen