Originally Posted by Mr PotatoHead
In 50 years folks will be toted around in self driving electric cars and our passion will be looked at like we were enthralled by the model T.

Sad but true.

I agree, sad but true.

Some people do not understand the “passion” of those who just love steam locomotives.

It is very common for those going on the first ride behind one of those getting downwind of the black smoke,
and saying: how did anyone routinely tolerate such horrible conditions?

How could Albert Einstein love such steam train rides,
even less go into dreamy “thought experiments”
where the train went faster and faster
until it “caught up with a beam of light.”

However laws are passed, and “other peoples money” thrown
history is full of surprises.

It is not at all certain that
battery technology
is going to dominate future progress.

For example:
For many decades,
a Neutrino was one sole particle which had no mass.
Then, Neutrinos were not one thing, but had “flavors” that differed.
Then surprising evidence popped up that Neutrinos had some tiny amount of mass.
Then the math indicated that having mass implied that Neutrinos somehow “had to” alternate their “flavor.”

This affects every one of us.
The vast, vast number of Neutrinos passing through our bodies each second “boggles the mind.”

The people confidently predicting what will be happening
66 years from now,
should soberly consider
what we did not understand
66 years ago.