so now, i'm more inclined to use a forward pattern, manual valve body for my charger, as [when i get it going that is] it will be a street/strip [airport drags] car.
i have on the shelf, a B&M forward pattern, manual shift kit, that is low band apply.
i also have a detent plate from [???] that fits my factory shifter i intend to use. i have read somewhere that the detent plates out there need to be "tuned up" somewhat, due to the fact the factory shifters move in an arc, while the detent plates move in a straight line.
i have been looking at that the last few days, [as i have time] and can see the difference. with my machinist skills, that can be easily be taken care of.
i also acquired a rusty chrome shifter i am going to modify by shortening the shaft by 2" [already done] and doing all the modifications to this shifter instead of my original, which is in perfect condition.
my one buddy is going to make me a genuine walnut knob to match my wood grain grant steering wheel when he gets back from vacation in april. boogie
any thing i need to be aware of using the B&M kit ?