Originally Posted by justinp61
Some impacts don't work well with less than 90 psi. Mine is set to kick on at 95 psi and off at 135. I have 3/4" main lines with 1/2" drops.

my 1/2" impact works the best at 105psi.
it's an ARO brand, [supposedly] made in Bryan, Ohio.
the 3/8" crapsman sorta works the best at 110, 115psi.
i have my compressor set at, on 103, off 140. it's a two stage [i forget the brand, Rand maybe ?] pump going into an 80 gallon tank, 1" line [black pipe] going into a 28" diameter, 65" long tank mounted in the rafters, then 1" line from there to 1/2" drops where 3/8" inside diameter hoses are connected for use. the pump is run by a 7hp [5hp running from the tag info] motor member Crowbait gave me. i don't remember what diameter pulley is on the motor, but it spins the 13 1/2" diameter compressor pulley over without effort.
when i got the compressor, it came from a body shop, and the air inlets were full of bondo and paint dust, due to the shop not changing the filter.........
i got a rebuild kit from a place in Erie, Pennsylvania, and it included almost every internal piece for the pump except for the crank, pump body and head.
it's been working flawlessly now for about 15 years, and doesn't use oil. i drain it every time i use it to prevent water build up.
however, i don't use it but every few days, so it will last me the rest of my time here.
a couple years [maybe 4 now] ago, i bought a sears brand portable compressor on wheels [you know the kind i'm talking about] with the usual bent axle [how does that always happen ??] and crooked pulling handle, for $5.00 at an auction. there were no bids on it, [the minimum bid was $5.00] so i bought it after the sale for the minimum bid. i figured the motor would come in handy for something.
i got it home and plugged it in, turned on the switch, and it immediately went to 100 lbs and shut off. as there was an apparent leak, i looked and found it was boogered up drain threads on the tank bottom. i stuffed it in a corner, and will "some day" get around to fixing it up. [i need all the "projects" i can get. keeps me out of trouble. laugh2]
now back to your regular broadcast story..............