Originally Posted by SNK-EYZ
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by SNK-EYZ
If you were simply using the drivetrain because you already have it, it would be great for an old truck or a 50's era car (full frame) that has lots of floor pan/trans tunnel room.

Anything else, the trans is a poor choice.

It is not a matter of room, it is a matter of poor gear ratios, really wide spreads and clunky shifting. Not to mention is weights a ton.

It worked in a truck before so exactly why wouldn't it still work in a an older truck now????? laugh2

No one said it was the best choice, it's a case of using what they already have and putting it to use.

Why is that so hard to comprehend?????

What's hard to comprehend, for you, is that I specified a CAR.