I think that latest Nova on IR is the 3rd car they've done for that customer this season, isn't it ?
There was a black Chevelle last season, then a red PU, then I think something else, and now this car, if I have my count right.
That dude has money to burn.
I can do without TM, seems like 2 types of builds, sky-high or slammed; but from time to time there's some interesting fab work.
Mostly, on all those shows, I just watch the fabrication, or the humor between the guys, and scan the background, which often has some cool stuff.
A couple - like that Count dude - are just too difficult for me to watch.
The Roadworthy Rescue show makes me laugh, though some of the stuff is cringeworthy.
happened to catch a glimpse of the dash on Kindig's show - Monaco is ready for delivery, with none of the gauges working ? Had to be a bad edit.
Gonna catch Shorty's show tonight - there's just something likable about that guy.

All that said, I realize that without tattoos, piecings, a do-rag, facial hair, or a goofy hairdo, I'm not qualified to work on cars... laugh2