Originally Posted by moparx
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
What do you want from it?

Step 1 Is answering the above question
Step 2. Is how are you honestly going to use it
Step 3. Answer the budget question
Step 4. Answer 1,2 &3. Then Start putting numbers down on paper. BE THOROUGH. I usually tell people get a catalog form you vendor of choice. Start at page1 and go completely through the catalog writing down everything you want to replace or that will be required. Then add the items not in the catalog, any labor you're out sourcing and total it up eek

If you do 4 correctly and thoroughly it will help answer your question twocents beer

take step 4 and multiply by at least two. biggrin

Especially so if this is ones first attempt, might even go 3X, beer