Had our home custom built 1991. Three acres, 2100 sq feet. Single story ranch, full walkout basement (unfinished).

It quickly became apparent we needed a water softener system. Water heater elements caked over in no time.

So one was installed not long after home build.

Head unit: https://media.wattswater.com/Autotrol-255_400.pdf

Been replaced twice over the years (AutoTrol brand), about $1200 per replacement.

These are older designs. Electric, but regenerates each night (not per demand). Uses quite a bit of salt, maybe a 40 lb bag every two weeks.

This particular softener owner is now elderly, not sure why he never adapted to newer technology. Just old school I guess. But it’s what our builder setup initially, so we’ve just stayed with this softener dealer/installer.

Now our unit is on the fritz. Brine tank won’t “draw” and keeps overfilling.

I tried all the standard DIY fixes to no avail. It was installed Jan. 2017

So I’m figuring on replacing it with newer tech, including smart regeneration.

Culligan is currently scheduled to install one of their “Plus” systems. They want just over $3k.

I’ve tried doing some comparisons online, but it’s not easy. Most won’t even discuss pricing without a home visit first.

From what I can deduce, Culligan had middle of the road reviews up to 2020. More recently it appears they have improved notably.

Our local Culligan dealer has numerous stellar reviews across the board.

No, don’t want to buy one and do it myself. Rather. Not mess with the technicalities, settings setup, etc. And I want the warranty supported by a local dealer.

Any thoughts appreciated, especially the $3k cost.

Thanks! wave