All A12 cars have the small font "054" radiator. Bob Schirmer at Glen Ray Radiators can reproduce or restore an original. The dates on the 054 radiators followed a last in first out inventory management in 1969. This means a late build A12 will have a very early radiator date. This is well documented with original radiators.

PM me here if you want to discuss more.


Seeking 1969 Lynch Road fender tags/Build Sheets/Window Stickers/VIN - Over 2300 so far thanks to you!!
2018 Demon Challenger PY4 A8 Black Hood
2017 Jeep Trail Hawk
2016 Hellcat Challenger PCP A8
1969.5 A12 Super Bee WM21 V1H F6 D21
1969 Coronet RT B5 D32 M46 N96