Back in 2010 - Bill Squires DBA Bill’s Auto Works
picked up a Super Bee for Lindy here on Moparts.

Bill put the Super Bee on an open trailer and drove
directly into a major hailstorm in
Colorado that was part of a major storm that
had been forecasted for three days over at
least three days in the middle of the night.

Lindy posted on Moparts looking for advice
after Bill Squires delivered the car - Bill
promised to pay - then ran away.

Lindy contacted me seeking advice.
I told him while a hailstorm is an Act Of God
driving into one that was forecasted in the middle
of the night hauling a freshly painted car on an
open trailer is an Act Of Stupidity.

Bill Squires contacted me trying to get my
support for his perspective that his actions
were Justified and what happened was
an Accident.

At the same time I was also transporting
with an open trailer in the same area and
stopped several hundred miles to the east
to wait the storm out.

Bill Squires was furious - he vowed to
destroy me and put me out of business.

So the internet postings started …
Stories fabricated by Bill Squires
and some associates like Harry …

Bill Squires then joined every car forum I
belonged to - offering his transport services
while trashing me and my business.

I ended up posting Lindy’s story
in his own words with his own pictures
on my website:


Bill Squires was banned from Moparts.

For the past eleven years I was a Moparts Sponsor
at a cost of $6600 total & I did not renew this year
because for the most part all I got requests to haul
vehicles that are not along the routes I posted availability for
from folks expecting to pay 10 cents a mile to
the cost of fuel to have a vehicle hauled.

Folks like Harry can post away on the internet
the lies and fabrications about me.

Rhinodart can keep getting transport jobs
from Bill Squires and posting for free in
the transport forum.

Tom had a written rule about folks who
were hauling for hire not posting
in the Transport forum for many years unless
they were Moparts Sponsors

Rhinodart is a business - he kept posting
seeking auto transport work and Tom
kept deleting his posts.

In The Real World ….
Things are just fine.

