Creative Industries was making the pieces to build nearly 2000 Superbirds at the time,rolling the fenders on every E body car that was built in 1970 with 15 inch tires, and doing all the fiberglass hoods for the A12 cars at the time, so they were running balls out.

One small note and only on the A12 cars, CREATIVE INDUSTRIES had NOTHING to do with the production of the A12 cars for anything from assembly to component sourcing or component manufacturing. The A12 fiberglass lift off hoods were manufactured in Toronto, Ontario Canada by Plaza Fibreglass Manufacturing Company. There were only a few operations on the A12 cars that couldn't be done on the normal Lynch Road Assembly Plant assembly line and that (did) have to do with the fiberglass lift off hood, hood decals, the carburetors and linkage and maybe one or two very small item like hood pins and lanyards. That short list of items was done at the end of the production line at a small work area by a small special crew. This was all explained to me by Dick Maxwell (RIP) personally. Everything done in house at Lynch Road Assembly Plant on the '69 B-body A12 Road Runners and A12 Super Bees.

All of the other points in your post are very good points IMO up
