This must've been what it was like in the early 1950's. Chrysler had the most powerful cars on the road, and yet the dumpiest; stodgiest; unremarkable styling of all the majors and even the then-surviving independents. I'm sure it's a wonderful car. But the 20-year-old, outdated, boxy styling does absolutely nothing to my loins.... and my wallet is near my loins. I couldn't even call it "handsome".
That red/white/blue new emblem on the grille is the most exciting thing.

At this point, they could make a 2,000 horsepower car.... but if they put it in that same body.... I still wouldn't buy it.

To be completely honest, I was surprised/near shocked to hear the 300 is still in production.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....