i remember all too well that day, and the days and weeks after................
my old man called up and screamed : "THEY'RE BOMBING NEW YORK ! THEY'RE BOMBING NEW YORK !"
as he was always an easy going man, to here how scared he was, was unnerving to say the least.
i was talking to him when the first tower fell. he said that was impossible ! we were still talking and watching the tv when the second tower fell. he saw that and couldn't believe his eyes.................
my wife was 1000 miles away visiting her family, planning to fly home the next day.........
i called my boss and told him i wouldn't be at work for a few nights [working midnights as i always did] because i had to go for my wife.
i then called my brother to see if he would go with me. he said yes, so while waiting for him to show up [he lived 130 miles away] i packed up my 95 caravan.
four tires and wheels, floor jack, tool box that could fix almost anything except rebuild an engine or transaxle, and three, five gallon gas cans.
we left thursday afternoon at 2:00 in the afternoon, and pulled into our local truck stop for breakfast, saturday at 9:25am. that time included a much needed 6 1/2hr or so sleep and shower at my wife's relations where she was staying during her vacation visit.
during that trip, we came across many troop convoys moving on the interstate.
my sister lives in virginia, about 50 or so miles from dc. she said there was constant fighter jets and helicopters flying over head.
certainly a time in my life i will remember until the day i go.................
i always watch the memorial services in honor of those who perished that day........