Some shots from 2011 Spring Fling.

#1 has Herb leaning against his stunning '68, with Sandy talking to John.
(Note that Sandy is most likely drinking a Mountain Dew, as alcohol is verboten in Woodley Park.)

#2 is a later and slightly different angle of the same group, getting Herb's face this time.

Sandy and I would always exchange good-natured ribbing.
I considered posting a photo of him watering a tree in Woodley Park, but decided against it. Squint your eyes and imagine, instead.

We shared many common denominators, not the least of which were Challenger Hellcats and RHD Aussie Cars.
I even brokered a deal with Jeff (OzHemi) to buy a 265 hemi for Sandy, and strap it into that year's (I think it was 2016) Spring Fling purchase...
... a POS van that I temporarily warehoused and later shipped back to him.

mopar 226.jpgmopar 231.jpg

Down to just a blue car now.