I figured out long ago that most of the mechanic shops around here don’t buy the proper tools to do jobs properly. If they get a rear end that makes noise, then they just blame it on the gears and say “ Well some gears just make noise”. I bought my own gear depth setting tool long ago from Mark Williams. That makes setups an easy, fast and accurate job. I’ve never had a “ howler” yet. I’ve done two Dana’s without the case spreader and while it can be done, it’s just not the best way you can proceed. Especially with the cost of a spreader on eBay. I also used setup bearings on the 8 3/4s up until recently. I knew I had several Danas left to set up in my near future so I bought a clam shell bearing remover. Man that is slick. The setup bearings set up a little looser than new bearings. Now days I have very faith that all bearings made the same. You buy a Timken bearing now and you never know which foreign country it’s going to come from. USA bearings are getting harder to find. Back to your original question, though. Selling yours is an option but don’t expect to sell it fast or get good money for it. Shipping is a pain and expensive. Strange has a deal worked out with a shipping company and it cost much less than you can ship. I had a very rare nicely restored 72 Dana with all new parts from our own DoctorDiff. I like to have never sold it. I finally traded it off locally for about $1500 worth of parts.