Originally Posted by Stanton
About six years ago I got plantars fasciitis and I was in agony with all the walking. Actually called it quits early afternoon and headed home (8 hour drive!). The next year I had it in the other foot as well as some lingering of the first dose so I rented a mobility scooter. When I got back from that trip I went out and bought one and take it to all the big shows. I used to [censored] about those guys, now I am one ! Anyhow, less walking makes the heat more bearable. I the guy driving this thing:

I had plantars fasciitis too and found out how to cure it through much research. I started taking massive amounts of calcium and still take 600mg a day. It went away after about a month and has been fine ever since for the last three years. I was going to a chiropractor who mentioned that it may help, so I looked into it and found out most people did get relief... twocents

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!