Participant judging takes the pressure off of the club because they don't have to find club members willing to do the work. To me, the drawback is that you now have to rely on the judging ability of random car owners that may or may not care enough to walk the field and fairly judge every class. You get half assed judging as a result. You also get some horse trading and back scratching between participants. In our club, when we USED to do the judging, we had instruction from the "Judging Chairman" on how to properly judge a car. EVERY class got adequate attention so nobody would feel slighted. t wasn't perfect but it was the best system at hand. Against my urging to the contrary, the club switched to an outside FORD club to do our judging. I find this a bad idea. The Ford guys don't know the intricacies of stock Mopars.
I'm glad that Mopar Alley went ahead with the show this year. They wimped out last year using the same crappy excuse that every club, store or business uses when their heart isn't in it....[i][....Due to Covid 19. ..../i]