Originally Posted by Satilite73
I've been following the channel 'Vancity Vanlife' that that video is from. The channel is based out of Canada, and he's been in his van 4+ yrs.

In one of his earlier videos he mentioned where a lot of the problem comes from for van dwellers are those who have a van or RV and act like squatters. They find a place to park, and never move from that spot. The trash starts piling up, the vehicle starts looking ratty (if its not already), and it becomes an eyesore. This is especially bad if they're parked in a city. You have to keep moving.

In watching his videos, it almost seems like it is easier to be a van dweller up there than here in the States. He's shown how once out of the city, there are usually numerous pull offs where you can park/camp for the night. In a recent video he was talking about 'crown land' where you are allowed to stay for up to 21 days. Community centers often have resources available like showers and water provisions.

Then there's the fact that Canada simply doesn't have the population that the US has making it easier to 'get away'. If I remember correctly, the total population of all their provinces combined is less than the total population of JUST California. shock


Yes, 80% of Canada is uninhabited crown land, same thing as Americas "bureau of land management" with 14 day stays. If you really wanted to get creative and live cheap you could stay down in Arizona for the winter on BLM land and head north to crown land for the summer! I've seen videos of crown land where the people had an entire lake to themselves