Originally Posted by 19swinger70
The county assessor has been charging property taxes for those 2 acres to someone all these years. Who's name is on that tax bill?

I'd like to know that too. So far, nobody from our assoc. has talked with me about that yet.

UPDATE: I was inaccurate on my original description of the situation - I just got more details from one of the board members (I DO NOT want to be on our board either BTW...). Turns out there are TWO parties - they live next door to each other - these are the people not from our sub - they have filed suit against our association in an attempt to appropriate the two acres they are claiming is theirs via adverse possession. We do have a real estate attorney defending us - our title companies have refused to defend this for us. Allegedly, if we did not answer their suits within the given time frame, we would have lost the land to them. If we roll-over & let them take the land, sounds like there are other homes that back to our commons areas that will also move-in to take a chunk of our land. Also, since they filed suit against our association, ALL of the families in our neighborhood are being sued. Several of our board members have tried to talk to these people, & they are not interested in talking - it's their way or the highway.

With all the loopholes on both sides of the issue, it sounds like a no-win situation for either side. Only winners will be the attorneys. What a F-ed-up situation! WTH is wrong with people?

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified