Originally Posted by PhillyRag
Originally Posted by Sammy
Originally Posted by 67vertman
Originally Posted by 3hundred
All sales final. No warranties express or implied.


This, plus this "as is" "no refunds or returns".....on all my bill of sales!

They drove away without signing the bill of sale.
The guy got really annoying and asked a million questions before the deposit was made. I told him everything I knew and was totally transparent.
Now he's texting me like crazy wanting me to give him money back.
Should I just block him?

All of it,, or a portion?.
If all. and money's securely transferred to you, then No.
If a portion, and they can somehow dispute the payment, maybe yes.
Yes: because of something you may have overlooked.
Seems bought sight-unseen by them.
That's a "risk" a buyer knowingly takes & therefore must assume any repercussions.

I received all the money with wire transfer. If there's no bill of sale what's the repercussions?
He is asking what am I going to do for him?