Originally Posted by mopars4ever
What is the new owner going to do with the building?

He has a local repair shop and ran out of room, he will have plenty of that now! He is from Mexico originally and is a very nice guy, we get along good. The first thing he did was bring his entire family to see the place, and wants all the info he can get about the history of the place! He was bummed as was I that the place was pretty much emptied out of all the Chrysler memorabilia but I did get a binder with pictures from 1944 until it went under. I have not given that to him yet, a friend is copying it so I can have rememberances. He plans on using the showroom like I did, for a museum but will probably not be many Mopars there. He has his work cut out for himself, it needs a roof, new windows, new plumbing, and a complete new heating system, things I just could not afford. frown I hope he has great success! luck

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JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!