Okay Update time....

Initially the fan wouldn't spin and the compressor struggled.

I dug into it today and the Capacitor seems to have resolved/helped the Compressor problem. Coils are getting hot but airflow is low through the condenser.

The fan spins ok by hand. With the new capacitor the fan now starts slow but never gets full speed. Eventually it slows to a stop and the cycle begins again. When it stops the fan is hot hot hot. Compressor is cool (not hot or cold just cool).

I am beginning to think the Cap and the fan died at the same time. So you are correct to fix one problem and then the other. I am going to get a new fan this week and see if we are good to go. If not I will look harder at the compressor but hopefully it will be ok.

I am still going to get a whole new unit but I would rather shop ahead of the failure instead of in an emergency situation.

Thank you all for the help and advice. up