This is why I think you don't see people driving nice old cars/trucks around much other than to go to car shows and back. Daily traffic is full of people doing other things besides just driving.

Many shops do the Overhaulin body work thing where they just coat the whole car with filler and then re-sculpt out a new one over top of the original. The desire to have perfect body gaps and body lines is where this started I think. I went to a shop once where a guy was working on a Jensen Interceptor repaint and the whole car had 1/8 to 3/16 of filler ALL over it, and the body on the car was in very respectable shape minus some small door dings here and there. The previous body shop must have just frosted the whole thing like a cake and sanded the filler until it was flat with no regard to how much was still left on the car. There had to have been over a gallon can of wasted filler on this thing covering up nice undamaged metal. bondo