One owner Hamtramck car, 1969 Barracuda. Body color painted fender tag before current state of restoration with body filler. Same paint finish/thickness as the inner fender and bent near front hole. With aluminum inspection tag under front hole. That there is more paint on the back side of the aluminum tag than the front indicates it was likely bent up over the fender tag for painting. The screws are just generic from any hardware store, but if anybody wants to pay big bucks for my originals, we can deal.

A nicely restored car should have a nicely restored fender tag too, IMO. Apparently many fender tags received damage from battery fumes over the years, same as the nearby inner fender and hood.

00-2 fender tag..jpgtag.jpg00-2 fender tag.  Alum tag front.jpg00-2 fender tag. Alum tag back.jpg

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