Originally Posted by 71TA
HIGHEST in the country. Michigan sux. Ohio below us pays HALF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our family car insurance bill, with kids, is about $7000.

Oh and the GREAT part is, the Detroit May even admitted on local news, he said "65% of Detroit residents don't have insurance or a valid drivers license". Son in law LEO said is WAY HIGHER than that. So a few years ago on a Detroit highway someone pulled a Pitt Manuever on me. No insurance. They sued my insurance company for my car being in their way while they were doing 90 in a 55 with her pregnant 13yo daughter (you can't make this stuff up). If you aren't legal, HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE ALLOWED TO SUE?!?!? Should be in jail.

As a transplant (32 years ago), I'm STILL shocked every time I open my insurance bill. Family back home simply cannot believe what I pay. There is absolutely NO justification for the way legal/honest motorists are treated in this state. As soon as retirement comes, I'm outta here. My son already left when he graduated (Florida), and it doesn't look like my daughter will be coming back when she graduates (Tennessee). Illinois has it's own issues, so I won't be going back there. I'd love to go back, or stay here. But the messed up way both states are run just doesn't make it a reasonable choice.

Walter P. Chrysler Club - Great Lakes Region
Member # 12304
1970 Plymouth Duster
1972 Dodge Charger Rallye
1977 Chrysler Cordoba