My son was born in 82. He grew up watching the show. At the time we lived in a ranch style house with one room in the basement pretty fixed up. That fixed up room was the play area for him and his 3 1/2 year older sister through the winter months.

My 30 year old self had a very large box of model cars I built in my early teen years that were mostly Mopar models, and 1:25 scale truck models (remember that Ford ramp truck model?). Somehow my son found that box of models and used them to play "Dukes of Hazzard", the ramp truck body, once removed from the truck, with the tire rack broken off made a perfect ramp to launch the model cars from. By the time the destruction was discovered, it was pretty obvious he had been enjoying playing "Dukes of Hazzard" for some time. The broken remains were boxed back up and placed in a more secure location. At a later date, the remains were sorted into what could be salvaged and what was parts and most of it was sold at a model car show. What didn't sell are still in a box, someplace in the basement at our current home.

Every time the Dukes is brought back up, he remembers the fun time, and the trouble he got in, and I remember how lucky he is to have survived. The event was a learning event for both of us. For me the fact that those models that were so precious back then, have not ever been displayed since, makes me wonder why I was so mad at the time. It allows me to be content that they brought him such joy at that time. He had as much fun killing them as I had building them, kind of balances things out. My son turns 40 in 2 days! Gene