I find it interesting how many people feel its their right to determine what a person does or doesn't with the stuff he has purchased with his own money.

For many years I collected a lot of Mopar performance cars because they were cheap at the time, and I had a place to park them. The truth was, most were in pretty bad shape when they arrived at my place, but I was able to buy them, and haul them to my little chunk of America. From the road that went past my place, most still looked great, and from my kitchen window, they looked great too. If someone showed up and wanted to buy something, I would tell them it wasn't in very good condition, and upon looking at their desired project, they soon changed their tune. They determined that since I allowed it to get into such bad shape, I should just give it to them, the conversation promptly went south in a hurry. When I bought those treasures, I bought them based on the value of the good parts, and I would sell them the same way. Most of the guys that stopped by thought a car with a 4 speed, 3:23 geared, sure grip 8 3/4 that was running and driving and a really good original 26" HD radiator with a rusty b body wrapped around it wasn't worth $200. They expected me to sell it to them for less then the going scrap value. At that price I could scrap it myself, save the good parts, and be way ahead, or I could just leave the good parts in the car somewhat protected from nature, enjoy the view, then get the same (or more) scrap out of it when it was no longer usable (which was what happened to that B body 5 years later, the 4 speed set up alone brought $450). To many here, that would make me a hoarder. Call me what ever you want, it doesn't bother me.

When we moved into town several years later, I scrapped 13 Mopar cars and trucks, many were nearly rusted into the ground, but most were already rust buckets when i got them. I still made a lot of money off the parts, and I know I got more for the scrap then what they were worth when I bought them. There sure was a lot of guys mad at me because I let these cars and trucks go to waste and wouldn't sell them, but none of those guys came around and even offered to buy any of them.

Your opinions of what people do with their stuff is ill-conceived. How many of you have projects that haven't been touched for years? How many have the "next project" already lined up for after you finish up the current project that has been dragging on for 10+ years? Congratulations, you are a hoarder too, but with smaller numbers. Maybe you should sell your next project to me for scrap price (could you deliver it too?), then I won't call you a hoarder. Gene