Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
Originally Posted by larrymopar360
Wow that was great. I of course especially enjoyed the cars but also many things. The overall cleanliness of streets, the way people took a bit of pride in how they appear in public, and more observations that may border on getting political so I'll leave those out.

Absolutely I noticed this as well, plus I remember as a kid these things as well - they hit home when I compare the last 30 or so years to the way things were when I was a kid in the 60's & early 70's. People gave a sh*t back then. We were taught to take the grocery cart back into the store, comb our hair before going out, wear decent clothes when going out, etc. Society was disciplined because people cared.
Yes! I wish I had a dollar for everytime my dad said to me "go change your shirt. You're not going out in that shirt" when I was a kid and had a sloppy old t-shirt on and we were going to the store or somewhere like that.

Facts are stubborn things.