Originally Posted by Frankenduster
Anyone that bitchez about cars shows after being through what we have the last 2 years....needs a kick to the crotch.
Shows are happening again. Who complains about site conditions?
I wish that this Vegas show was a bigger deal. I was at the 2004 and 2005 shows but haven't been back since. Drag racing is okay but not enough to pull me in. I heard that later they had autocross events, Dodge Hellcats doing laps, etc.....THAT sounds like a lot more fun to me.
A lot of the appeal still comes from the swap meet though. How is it that the shows back east have so many more parts and vendors? The cars out west didn't decay like the rust belt cars. I wish I knew why west coast shows can't draw in as many people.

- Location can play a factor. Travel, available accommodations, safety, and venue grounds may all be considered.
- As mentioned, MATS and GG Scottsdale are the same days, considering the draw coming to Phoenix from SoCal for the GG show It appears if these shows were staggered the turnout may be better
-Also mentioned has been population density and vendor location. Consider that vendors are more apt to commit travel to a well populated show and it becomes an easier business decision, where their likelihood of profit after cost must be considered.
- And finally, many, even on this thread, talk of the glory days and how MATS has degraded, Many haven’t been in years, some state this may be their last trip. Those endorsements don’t exactly exhibit the same enthusiasm as the comments seen on a Carlisle or Nats thread, and result in less hype that would draw folks into making the commitment to attend, particularly with distances between folks in the SW