Your secret squirrel of all “your” information has lost its traction. I get it, you need this to make yourself feel important. There’s not one single customer I talked to that supplied me ALL their car information that didn’t know exactly how that information was going to be used and who's was getting it and why, to fill in the blanks with reference to car production. For you to compare credit card information to 50+ year old car information is comical. I’m an ebody guy, I’ve supplied “your” most hated guy in the hobby with hundreds of broadcast sheets and fender tags for Hamtramck cars over the years because he’s been a blessing to all of us that have dealt with him. With this information, unlike what you say, you can determine when cars were built. I’ve know Dan for over 35 years, and for you to imply he would do anything unethical is a laugh. BTW Barry, no, I didn’t contact you for information of the build sheet of my T/A, there was a post on this website the day after I brought it home from the MOPAR Nat’s 2009 that Kent posted on that following Monday about a build sheet he found in the passenger seat of his car that happened to belong to my car. I personally PM’ed him about my sheet, it cost me an AAR grille assembly to get it.

I'll cover a few things here......

I do not feel important at all.

Hated? Hatred is the most useless thing a person can have inside them. I do not hate anyone.

Did I say Dan was doing anything unethical?

If an image is posted online in public, any unethical person could miss-use the information - which is exactly why I mentioned it above.

Same with 'sharing' information. Once shared, where does it go?

If that person shares it again after that, is that person ethical? And if shared over and over, are all those people ethical?

Anyone that chooses to can register their 1970 Hamtramck or LA car with me. I do not twist their arms, it is a choice, their choice. Personal freedom of choice is one of our many rights here in the US. :-)

If anyone of the people that have registered with me also contacts someone else, that is THEIR choice to make, not mine.

I will not ever turn over their data to anyone. If they want it 'shared' that can do it on their own.

I remember more about the T/A scenario, bummer that you had to give up a grille to get that broadcast sheet. The ones I have here are FREE to the owner of the car with proof of legal ownership and proof the car still exists.

I'll post a related screen capture below. The names and avatar images have been redacted out of respect for the people's privacy, but read it close to see how fender tag and broadcast sheet data can and is being used to make fake tags. (This illustrates very well why I do not recommend anyone posting their data in public)

fender tag faker with a large database.jpg