Vintage trucks and SUVs have been going up up up for awhile now, even before Covid hit and government started helicoptering out huge amounts of money and devaluing the dollar.
Certain classes or cars will routinely get popular and rise in price greatly in short time periods. When I first started getting interested in collector cars in the 76-77 timeframe 55-57 T birds were the hot collectible if my memory serves. And I’ve seen many other car classes and cars get hot in the 40+ years since.
Mopars have had a few spikes in that time. Late 80s/early 90s and the 2001-2008 periods most notably
Recently it seems that it’s been more specific Mopars that have got hot. Forward look cars, 68-70 Chargers and ‘71 cudas.
But perhaps now the whole muscle era Mopar spectrum is spiking again?