Originally Posted by That AMC Guy
This was my back yard last week. We've had another 30cm since then and more coming on the weekend.
I'm *lucky* if I can use my toys 6 months out of the year. I've had my Mustang for 6 years and it's barely got 25,000 miles on it. Of course, the last 2 years of nowhere to go have also kinda helped keep the mileage down. But, I'm just kinda done with it all. Had 2020 not gone sideways, I had an appointment with an immigration lawyer. If this scamdemic finally comes to an end in 2022, I may re-make that appointment and start getting my ducks in a row.

2+ feet of snow and -20°C for 4 to 6 months out of the year is really just a waste of life. I haven't got a whole lot of time left, so it's time to start livin'.

Mr AMC GUY, you are living the dream man. I can't wait to get the hell out of the lower mainland and up to the Enderby, Armstrong area. up