Since I only live about 40 miles from these shows (after all, the locations are only a couple miles apart) and I am on vacation until the 15th, my plans were to hit them both.

Raining hard here this morning (Fri), and supposed to not clear until Sat mid day, so plans have been pushed back.

For really no good reason, it seems like the old location (Garlits), under the Florida Mopar club was better than the new location, even with the arena undercover. Maybe it is the shade not letting the colors pop, or whatever ...

I really like to see Herb Mcandless, at the horse arena, he is knowledgable, very personable, (he will stop and talk with any one), just seems like a genuinely good guy. Even when asked a question that even seems silly or inane to me (and it seems he gets a lot) I have never seen him even start to lose patience.

It's easy to see why he was so popular at the clinics. And he was Mr. 4 speed!

It takes gasoline to interest me.