Originally Posted by Satilite73

The reason I said what I did was because my step-Mother had a cat that HATED my Father.

Often, my Dad would fall asleep on the couch after work, and the cat would perch on the back of it just staring at my Dad, looking like he was hoping my Dad wouldn't wake up.

If my Dad stayed on the couch all night, the cat would crap right where my Dads feet would hit the floor when he went to get up.

When that didn't work, the cat took to crapping on the floor right in front of the coffee maker.

One morning my Dad threw one of his work boots in the cat's direction to scare him off, the following morning, he found crap IN his boot........

When the cat got tired of crapping, it took to knocking pictures off the wall where they'd hit my Dad as he was sleeping.

That cat lived a LONG time. I honestly think it was trying to outlive my Dad. laugh2

That cat wouldn't have made it much more then a couple of weeks at my house. My wife would have done it in for not using the litter box after a few weeks. Even all the dogs learned the lesson of crapping in the house pretty quickly.

Last edited by poorboy; 10/18/21 07:55 PM.