Buying something to clean the gutter guards on the 2nd story of our new house (house is 20 years old but new to us). Lots of leaves. UGH. I spoke with the 2 older neighbors to see if they might consider getting rid of their huge trees that are over my house. I even said I'd pay. They said no but I could have them trimmed. After I get done they are gonna wish they had agreed to take them down cause they are gonna be FLAT to the property line. Gonna look stupid and probably unstable.

Anyway, I'm NOT getting up on the roof or up a 25ft ladder so I found a "professional grade" telescoping pole for a pressure washer. The hose runs up inside the telescoping pole. It has a 180 degree steel tubing bend at the top for a pressure washer tip to clean gutters. Should have it by Friday.

Mostly very good reviews although at full extension it sounds like a HANDFUL. People claimed they were "sore for days" and basically used the exiting pressure to "steer" the pole.

One review said, "do not use while on a ladder unless you have previous circus experience". I busted out laughing.