I have a 48 Plymouth coupe on a 90 Dakota chassis, and I have a 49 Dodge pickup on a 94 Dakota chassis. Neither have any kind of a sound system in them, so neither has an antenna, speaker (or speaker locations) nor any wiring for any radio. I don't particularly want to poke a hole in the body for an antenna.

No music has been OK for 10 years with the coupe, but we have arrived at the point some music might be nice on those long cruises. To say I have not kept up with modern sound systems would be an understatement, the last non-factory radio I messed with was over 20 years ago.

Being uneducated on the sound systems of the modern era, Is there something I can get where I can play tunes for a couple hours at a time that is compact enough (music source and speakers) to move between both vehicles? whatever could sit on, or under a seat, both vehicles already have the usb ports to charge my wife's phone. We often use her phone for directions, so the music source would have to be independent of her phone. Something I could record music onto would not be out of line, but then I would also need a way to load the music onto whatever.

Suggestions? Gene