Originally Posted by A12
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by A12

I see it's empty. Provide a listing of available production hydrogen powered cars and light trucks and their costs.

Toyota supposedly makes one, but it's not available. Hey, I can play that game too. I make a hydrogen powered half ton that get 500 MPGe, but it's not available.

In the software world that's called vaporware.

Never said it's here, just saying it's coming.........how long has it been for pure EV's to get to this point and they still have issues with range and recharge time. Hydrogen fuel would solve those issues.

I see it's empty.
yes but the point is that the hydrogen "pump" is next to a gasoline pump at a "gas station" that there are thousands of those "stations" already in place and have been for decades. How tough would it be to install at least one hydrogen pump at one out of every ten gas stations? Sure you can recharge at home but not if you're traveling............forgot no one does that anymore.

EV's have been over a hundred years getting to where they are right now. Still have some of the same basic problems even so.

Point of hydrogen isn't putting a pump in, it's the cost involved in dealing with hydrogen. Look into how it's stored and how it is delivered. Probably not going to be self serve at those pressures.
here's a link with $ estimates.
