I found a few used ECMs on ebay and ultimately bought one from a vendor called 'partwheeler' based out of Colorado. I chose them because of price, they didn't require a core, and look to have a pretty good return policy if need be.

I placed my order this past Wed and was told I would get it either Mon or Tues next week..........it arrived today (Fri). shock penguin

So, right after work, I went over and installed this 'new' ECM.................. nervous The truck fired right up. The truck is still on stands, so I just let it idle for about 10 minutes or so. Even without driving it, I noticed two differences almost immediately, the OD switch works properly again, and the tachometer works again. Hard to tell 100% without driving it but throttle response seemed quicker too when I winged it a few times.

I'll go over tomorrow and put the bed and wheels back on it so I can give it a proper test drive.

While looking for ECM's on ebay, I came across a vendor that rebuilds/refurbishes ECMs (all models) I may go that route with my original one to have it as backup. work

Big THANK YOU for all the help with this problem! It is VERY appreciated! beer


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥