It's a cute ad that will certainly create buzz and get people talking. It's a good example of art reflecting life. Wanna get started on Youtube?? Post some cat videos. The internet was made for that stuff. I guess they call it "viral marketing" today. It will appeal to a LOT of cat people for sure.

I had a cat that loved water, fetched, came when you called his name, LOVED car rides. Best cat ever, really. He walked on a leash too, but only when he was comfortable. If he wasn't too thrilled to be there, he'd be on the leash but trucking around on my shoulder. Only had 5 years with the little dude but those were fun years. Isn't a day go by that I don't at least think about him. "My boy, my boy!"

Blew my mothers' boyfriends mind one day as he watched the cat chase the lawn sprinkler.
The conversation went like this:

"Cats don't like water."

"Most don't, Bill. But Ivan loves it. He'll swim too."

"Cats don't like water."

"Again, Ivan loves water. He'll even shower with me!"

"Cats don't like water."

"You're dating a real winner there, mum."

Though I never managed to grab any footage or real pictures.... if a car door was left open, Ivan would call shotgun. I was working on the Gremlin once and he just camped out on the front seat fully expecting to go for a ride. He LOVED car rides. When I lived on the coast, he'd come home with me. I'd throw his travel bed on the front seat and his litter box in the passenger foot well. If I put his carrier on the floor he'd jump in and wait. Very, very intuitive cat. He'd behave the whole 8-hour car ride home. As long as he was with his dad, he didn't have a care in the world.

Last edited by That AMC Guy; 08/05/21 04:26 AM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....